Sunday, 9 May 2010

Hey Guys I have made a new blog it is basicaly going to be about weight loss and my journey and thoughts on the 30 day shred feel free to follow
Thanks Guys

Monday, 18 January 2010

Monday, 11 January 2010

Weight Loss Challange!

Hey, so today is the first day of Cat's weight loss challenge! check out her blog here :) So she said that the challenge for this week is to list three things that I currently like about myself, I found this surprisingly hard but here it goes
1. My hair
2. My stomach (weird for a weight loss challenge I know haha)
3. The fact that this is the first time I am determined too loose some weight!
So good luck too all of the girls taking part in this challenge, I wish you all the best of luck :)

Friday, 8 January 2010

Weight Loss

So like as many others this time of year I'm going to try and loose some weight. I think this something I should try and do because at the moment I am in an unhealthy weight range and I am also very unfit!
My current weight is 9 stones and 10 pounds (136pounds ) and I'm 5ft 2. I would ultimately like to weigh 8 stone. I would like to try and loose 22lbs (1lb a week) which I think is realistic!
So to try and achieve this I'm going to do the following things:
1.Get to the gym at least 3 time a week
2.Eat a healthy breakfast as I don't usually eat breakfast (I know if this is bad lol)
3.Drink lot and lots and lots of water :)
4.Try and cut down portion sizes
5.Only snack on fruit and Veg and eat all my meals
6.Also pictures are always very inspirational to me so here is my picture for this week

I will keep you updated and also have a 'weigh in' every Saturday or Sunday, I will make any changes that are necessary to my goals/diet and say whats going well and what isn't. Also I will obviously tell you my weight loss/gain.
I would also like to ask everybody if they have any weight loss/health tips, It would be much appreciated!

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Troubled Teen

Ugh :(
So I've just go grounded for the next two weeks, but instead of getting down about it (me always the optimist) has decided to make the most of it. So because I'm going to have no social life boo :( I'm going to focus my time on self improvement which will consist of:
1. Making my blog as FABULOUS as possible lol I'm going to try to do a post every day or so :)
2. Getting the gym and try to get as fit as possible
3. Catching up on homework/coursework
4. Get some early nights and catch up on sleep
5. Reading lots of blogs and watching YouTube videos
6. Work my way thorough my true blood books that I got for Xmas! :)
Hopefully all these things will help me not get too bored while I'm under house arrest :')
Well I shall put an end to this little ramble, and watch this space for lots of posts in the near future!